Judy Mulvihill (Phoenix, AZ), Program Director, Shade Foundation of America. "Have Fun in the Sun But Be Smart."
Judy Mulvihill is involved with the Shade Foundation of America, founded in 2002 by Shonda Shilling, wife of former major league pitcher, Kurt Schilling. Shonda is a skin cancer survivor and the purpose of the Foundation is to educate adults and children on sun safety. The foundation is very involved with children and has an annual K-8 poster contest. They also offer an adult self-exam DVD and many other programs. See www.shadefoundation.org.
The Foundation believes that the use of sunscreen should be as much a habit as brushing your teeth (use more if your exposure will be greater). However, the best way to protect your skin is to cover up, with long sleeves, sunglasses and hats (also, when you are in the sun, be sure to drink plenty of water).
Final words: Skin cancer is 95% preventable but it is up to each individual.
The best way to teach is to instill good habits right from the start. Protect your babies and tofddlers from the sun; use high factor sun creams, appropriate clothing and headwear and don't forget to protect those vulnerable eyes with well-fitting sun glasses that filter out the harmful rays.