Philippe Cousteau, Jr. is based in Washington, DC as co-founder of EarthEcho International.
Philippe Cousteau, Junior, is the son of Philippe Cousteau, Senior, and the grandson of famed oceanographer Jacques-Yves Cousteau. Philippe, Jr. was born in 1979, the same year his father died in a boat crash. With his sister, he is co-founder of EarthEcho International, which produces educational programs about oceans and the environment.
Sharon asked what is the most important educational message his group is trying to get across. Philippe stated, as Sharon often does, that the oceans are the source of all life on the planet since fresh water ultimately comes from the oceans. He said that we must be aware that everything we do and every lifestyle choice we make effects the ecosystem. We therefore must live so that our impact is positive. Regarding water, we cannot live without it (although we can live without petroleum). Sadly, people tend to forget this. Unlike drinking water, the oceans are often out of sight and people tend not to think about them. But they must be protected if we are going to protect our fresh water.