Friday, June 25, 2010

Dry Eye Syndrome among Women

Dr. Gipson is an ophthalmologist and dry eye researcher at Harvard Medical School. Dry eye symptoms are the #1 reason for eye doctor visits in the United States. She notes that dry eye syndrome is extremely complex and involves the surface of the eye, tear and lipid producing glands, the skin of the eyelids, the manner in which inflammation is processed by the brain and body, hormone production, microscopic tear film components, and the nervous system connection to the brain. Any part of this system can result in dry eye symptoms.

Two-third of dry eye sufferers are women and most are peri- or post-menopausal (although many men, including older men also get dry eye). The symptoms in women relate mostly to hormone levels and lifestyle and they do not get it simply because they are women. Women are also more prone to autoimmune diseases, which has some of the same precipitating factors as dry eye. Women also live longer so the risk of age related illness is greater.

Sharon notes that as inventive as humans are, the invention of alcohol as a beverage, smoking and the frying pan were not our finest accomplishments. One-third of cataracts are linked to smoking.

Dr. Gipson recommends dark green vegetables and adequate sleep at night. Sleeping lowers the tear film pH and restores tear film moisture. It is also generally conducive to good health.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Natural Resource Management in India

For today's show Sharon Kleyne was joined by Ashok Jaitly (New Delhi, India), from The Energy and Resources Institute.

Their discussion was on sustainable development, land and water resource management.

India's lack of access to clean water and sanitation has resulted in a wide variety of issues. A few weeks ago, Sharon spoke to the young man who co-founded Drinking Water for India, a not for profit organization that drills tube wells in rural Indian villages. Access to clean water is instrumental to stave off disease.

Please visit to listen to this show and others.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Share Your Story!

Do you have a unique water experience you would like to share? Email and we might read it on the air! We will also be selecting the most interesting story and sending the submitter a gift.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Power of Water...

The Sharon Kleyne's Hour is dedicated to educating the public about the power of water. Water, in all forms, is Earth's human mission. We believe that everyone should have access to clean water- to drink, for sanitation, for life.

Join our (and Earth's) human mission by signing up at

Monday, June 7, 2010

Join the Cause- Drinking Water for India!

Rujul Zaparde, co-founder of, discussed the importance of tube-wells with Sharon on Monday's show. Join us in this cause to bring clean water to rural villages in India!
Your Health is Your Priced Possession that You cannot Afford to Lose at any Cost. For more..............

Your Health is Your Priced Possession that You cannot Afford to Lose at any Cost:

There are lots of people in this world who spend so much time watching their health that they haven't the time to enjoy it. - Josh Billings.

Nobody really knows how long they are going to live. It is not in their hands to determine their longevity on Earth. So when you are unsure of the expiry date of your body you must at least make sure that by the time you finally Rest in Peace you must be able to enjoy your body and keep it at the pink of its health for a long time. Human body is taken for granted these days with poor nutrition and lack of proper exercise. People seem less concerned about their health until the time reality strikes and some really drastic health issue arises. You must learn from others̢۪ mistakes and in this case you can take your ancestors, grandparents or parents into concern. No one really has had a perfectly healthy life unless they were God. Everyone has some or the other illness during their lifetime that effectively reduces the quality of their health and wellness and eventually lose out on certain luxuries of life in the bargain.

Just the way you tend to secure a bright future for your children and for your own old age in the form of equity, stock bonds and other investments of your hard earned money similarly you must invest a little bit of time of each day of your lives to contribute to your body in some little but effective way to provide the nurture it deserves. It will help you to huge extents in the long term and you know that too. Most often than not, people who are at the peak of their youth and seem to be very active and brimming with loads of energy never tend to take their health seriously and are succumbed to activities that are widely known to cause undesired health conditions. These might include, indulging in fast foods, fat rich foods, alcohol, smoking and other such harmful and toxic sources of ill health. What they fail to understand is their body is constantly fighting against all these to the best of its capabilities but once it reaches its saturation levels it would give up and it would be your time to fight against the stubborn diseases caused due to such ill practices.

However, like they say, it is never too late; you could always help rejuvenate your health with plenty of aspects that can positively affect your life. A change in the lifestyle could be the first step and taking it eventually to higher levels would be advisable. Educate yourself well on how to live and maintain a healthy lifestyle and stay away from evil indulgences. There are certain other diseases that you may not be able to avoid but you can always extend its entry into your lives by a few years and that certainly would make a huge difference to your well being. Few ways of fighting the futuristic health effects would be incorporating a healthy and nutritious diet, regular exercise, meditation or yoga for the quintessential peace of mind, detoxification that is the removal of unwanted toxins from the body, thinking positively and this mental exercise also plays a major role in your physical health. You have plenty of resources regarding the same on the vast information source of the World Wide Web or you may always listen to expert talks on the television or the radio. Make way to wellness in your lives and you are the only one who can do it.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Lessons from the Oregon Trail

Did you miss Sharon's show with F. Travis Boley, the writer and museum curator for "The Oregon Trail and the docudrama In Pursuit of a Dream"?

If so, visit

The FDA and High Potency Supplements

Listen to a discussion between Sharon Kleyne and Rima E. Laibow, MD, Natural Solutions Foundation about protecting the nutrition supplement market from the FDA.